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CCS64 is a Commodore64 emulator for Windows, Some of the emulated things are:
  • The main Commodore 64 console, with the keyboard and peripherals like joysticks, paddles and mouse. It emulates both the different systems sold in Europe as well as the USA.
  • Up to four 1541 disk-drives are emulated (which means that you use special files on your PC, as a replacement for the old 5 1/4 inch floppy disks).
  • The C2N cassette recorder is also emulated (which means the you use special files on your PC, as a replacement for the old magnetic tapes).
  • Many of the old cartridges (that means special hardware expansions for the C64, which were plugged in at the back of the computer) are also emulated.

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 File   Platform   License   Date   Size   
 CCS64 3.9.2   Windows   Shareware   Sep 8, 2015   1597 Kb.   View homepage 
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